Thanks for the prompt response! You mention that the JForum users are "restricted by default". Did you mean to say "allowed by default"? It sure seems to me like access is wide open unless I go in and sepcifically restrict access to it.
You're right. Nowadays it is something like "allowed by default". This is because a patch that was made just before the 2.0 release. I forgot that.
Internally, jforum is still "restricted by default", but there are some values in database tables that make it "allowed by default".
This actually seems a little counter-intuitive to me. It seems like there should not be any allowed access unless I specifically grant it!
I completely agree. The permission control is one thing I want to change the way it works in a near future release.. is quite complex to maintain the code / new permissions currently. I want to make it easier, both for developers and users.
I think that I am beginning to get the hang of the way that the permissions work. I have no idea what in the world "Set Users' Role to follow the Group" is for. Care to explain?
It goes like this: when you set permissions to a specific user, his permissions will have precedance over group permissions, even if you go to group permission control and re-save it - eg, when you save permissions from a group, it will not override user-specific roles. So, in order to have a way to override user roles with group roles, this "Set user's roles to follow... " was created.
Also, what does it mean to "Lock" a user?
Means that you can block accounts.. Is much like a deletion, but wihout fisically removing the records from the database, with a plus that you can re-enable the user's account.
Thanks again for your help!
Thank you. I'm aware of this documentation lack, and your questions help to see weakness in the system. I don't know when I wil have some strong documentation done, since I need to focus in the code most of the time ( eg, contributions are always welcome
[originally posted on jforum.net by Rafael Steil]