ops: I have to apologize that I did not understand why this error appeared, and really just figured it out even tho I had read why in the other topic on this same error: When I was creating categories I had excluded the Administrator group just as the other poster was doing.
So, not so much a bug as a trap for harried admin's.
Before trying to recreate the error again, I created a category and included Administrator for access and it created without error.
Then I tried without Admin the second time and got no error, but the newly created category did not show until I did as you suggested: Went to 'Groups', chose 'permissions' for each of 'Administration' and 'General' and did a save in each.
After that, the new category appeared (Forums and Forum Index), still no errors. And, 'Forums' works whereas in the error state that function was gone and only showed that page of errors (above post) where only a reload of the db could cure it.
I don't need to create categories that Administrator's cannot access, so I consider this a non-issue now that I know
Sorry about the misleading title of the Topic, I'll try to edit (but imagine that I can't)...
[originally posted on jforum.net by ken0]