Rafael Steil wrote:This can't be simple achivied by just changing the url for the login page? I mean, the Login form / link will point to https, and then he user will remain in the https environment without any other code change, since redirects are relative (eg, there is no "http" hardcoded in the urls).
Yes it would work, but to some extend. For consistency it probably should also be done
in templates for e-mail URL, forum.link, homepage.link, etc.
So all these parameters should be set twice and used one or another way
depending on situation.
May be it would be better to create a class of system parameters
where values can be read using methods
(and this class can be overloadeded, so the method would return one or another parameter)
rather than using static methods as
I think a better way for each http request create an instance
of class GLOBAL_CONFIG=new GlobalConfig(request, whatever, else);
and then GLOBAL_CONFIG.getForumLInk();
method GlobalConfig can be extended, if necessary to have dynamich set of parameters.
[originally posted on jforum.net by Anonymous]