Thanks Rafael !
That's exactly what I was looking for !!!
Btw, SQL expressions in the source code are for MySQL and because HSQLDB does not support
Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS and words.getGeneratedKeys(). So, I needed to modify SQLs in order to get it work. Anyhow, I did it and it works OK. (even German Umlauts and French letters are searchable.
Attached is the modified source code. It must be MUCH MUCH slower then original because it uses max(..) SQL function instead getGeneratedKeys. But that's life. Anyhow, someone may find it useful
One more question: it seems that the search does not support wildcards *%? (i.e. search for TES* will not return TEST and TESTS). If yes, then it is a big big limitation
Greetings from BE
[originally posted on by teolein]