I'm trying to use JForum in conjunction with
JBoss 3.2.5. I've war'ed the Jforum-2.1.4 directory to a jforum.war and have placed it in the deploy directory of the default configuration. When I start the server, it's able to deploy the war file and I could also get to the index page of JForum.
Now when I try to install the database configuration for HSQLDB (that comes with JBoss), I am facing probelms. The following is the configuration I'm trying to install.
Database Type: HSQLDB
Connection Type: DataSource
DataSource Name:
I get the error page that says:
I went and put some SOPs in the InstallAction.java file to see if the code is actually trying to use HSQLDB. Below is the log of my SOPs along with the ones that are already there.
If you look at the above log, you will see "Going to create tables..." twice. I'm not sure why this particular method createTables in the InstallAction.java is getting called twice. This is the case with the default installation of jforum code as well. I don't know if this is the one that's causing any issues.
After this I changed the hsqldb_db_struct.dat file comment out all the "DROP..." statements, but it's of no use.
Can someone help me in setting up this correctlly.
[originally posted on jforum.net by Anonymous]