I'm able to reproduce the OOM "quickly" with jmeter.
The first thing that I will check is how many memory the session objects are using. Basically speaking, I have an UserSession instance for each user, including anonymous, and, theorically, the entries are only removed when its session expires (when <session-timeout> runs).
So, if the product of the size of all UserSession instances and the number of active sessions grow too much, you will run out of memory.
But let's suppose that there is not leak, and consider that the OOM is being caused because there are too many active sessions and not enough memory to hold them all. What are us suposed to do then? Probably JForum can try to use less in-memory data (which will not be that easy).. but, besides that, what else?
(ps: please register for an account, so we can know to who we're talking to
[originally posted on jforum.net by Rafael Steil]