brakker wrote:Rafael,
I have forum.cache.enabled=false and it seems the forum data or answers/posts on the forum index page are cached still. I did a search for FORUM_CACHE_ENABLED through the source and only found int being used in ConfigKeys where it originally gets set.
Is it being used?
Anonymous wrote:
Well, it turns out the runnaay proccess(s) had to do with the connetion pool. I switch back to the basic connection for now (will go to datasource) and everything has been solid for 3 days. When having connection pool enabled, the problem would happen within a matter of 1 day.
coolbreeze wrote:
The problem is back with a vengeance. It is stalking us in a way that makes it almost impossible to locate the source. The large image processing turned out not to be the issue. That problem with images was fixed last week and our dual processor has spike twice now to 100%. When it does spike, it does not come down. I do not know where to look anymore or even how to find the root cause as this problem only happens in a production environment with lots of traffic. All I can say for sure is that the problem started when we added the new forum code. I have actually gone through and added log statements to every while loop in the application (including our app and jforum) to try and catch it. Still, I find no answers. Every time we think we have found the answer, it comes back with a vengeance as if someone or a bot is causing it....very random. When it happens, and we reroute traffic to a different location, the processor never comes back down as if it's stuck in a loop or several loops. One thing that I have noticed recently, is that our application is taking more memory than it ever needed before. We set the jvm to startup with a maximum of 1Gig in the heap. It does seem that when the memory gets to that level is when the problem kicks off. I have spent more than 2 solid weeks trying to locate the root of this evil. The only thing I can think of trying is possibly running the app in the latest jvm (1.5 instead of 1.4x) and see if we can get some type of profiling through it. I think I read somewhere that the newest jvm combined with tomcat 5.5 supports some type of embedded profiling. Anyway, that's where I am at with this. This is probabably one of the toughest bugs I have come accross in my 15 years of programming.
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