I've been trying to the download the source code from CVS for the last 24 hours, without much success.
It timed out initially for many hours, and then finally, I got to get something from the cvs server. But certain packages (net.jforum.drivers) are not downloaded. I download the whole jforum module, but certain files are not checked out.
Is there any restriction on certain folders that people can not check out? That's the only reason I can think of.
I'm using Eclipse 3.1 on WinXP to check out, and have no problem checking out codes from
JBoss or Eclipse.
And frankly, the way java.net slump all their hosted projects into one single cvs repository just sucks. They could've separated the projects into different repos, by categories, just like what they do on their web site.
[originally posted on jforum.net by Anonymous]