Hi Rafael,
I've got a patch for the search function. Download here (I can't attach file here, am I too new?):
I've enhanced the
word splitting part for both indexing and searching.
Now it can split english word (multiple lower case characters) and CJK characters properly.
For search CJK characters properly:
* Change /templates/default/search.htm 's form method from get to post.
For better performance with indexed table:
* Change generic_queries.sql
SearchModel.searchByWord = SELECT post_id FROM jforum_search_wordmatch wm, jforum_search_words w \
WHERE wm.word_id = w.word_id \
AND LOWER(w.word) = LOWER(?)
SearchModel.searchByWord = SELECT post_id FROM jforum_search_wordmatch wm, jforum_search_words w \
WHERE wm.word_id = w.word_id \
AND w.word = LOWER(?)
[originally posted on jforum.net by alexieong]