Using SSO and NTLM:
After a long time of trying, i got it. It's pretty easy and i want to show it to you, so everyone, who wants to implement NTLM and SSO in JForum, does not have to spend so much time like i did...
At first you have to install your JForum. Then you only have to change two things:
1. in the (../webapps/YOUR_FORUM_NAME/WEB-INF/config/ ):
in line 329 activate Single Sign-On:
authentication.type = sso
2. in the web.xml (../webapps/YOUR_FORUM_NAME/WEB-INF/ ):
put the NTLM-Filter before the first <
servlet> - tag. The NTLM-filter looks like this:
� YOURDOMAINNAME = NTLM domain name (for example the name of your company)
� = IP-Adresse des WINS Servers
(ipconfig/all -> findet alle IP-Adressen des WINS Servers)
At last, DO NOT FORGET to put the JCIFS.jar into the library (../webapps/YOUR_FORUM_NAME/WEB-INF/lib/ ).
The JCIFS is necessary for the NTLM Authentication. Please note: you have to use this Version:
The newer versions throw exceptions in jforum, because they try to use NTLMv2, but in jforum runs only NTLMv1.
Here you get JCIFS:
That's it. Please note: you don't need the NTLMLoginAuthenticator if you use the sso.
Enjoy it..
[originally posted on by david]