Hi Guys!
I'm taking a look around the JForum's database model, understanding the tables, fields, ...
I think it could be interesting to comment the "columns", because to the beginners it would be easier to understand each objective, and so on.
Maybe it be stupid, so please forgive me since now, ok?
In the MySQL documentation it's a few hard to understand this:
Another extension is supported by MySQL for optionally specifying the display width of an integer value in parentheses following the base keyword for the type (for example, INT( 4 )). This optional display width specification is used to left-pad the display of values having a width less than the width specified for the column.
The display width does not constrain the range of values that can be stored in the column, nor the number of digits that will be displayed for values having a width exceeding that specified for the column.
So, why INT( 4 ) sometimes, MEDIUMINT( 8 ) another time, VARCHAR( 8 ), VARCHAR( 255 ), ...
A practice example:
Table: jforum_users
column: user_active - TINYINT( 1 )
column: user_level - TINYINT( 4 )
:?: What is the practice difference between the ( 1 ) and ( 4 ) after TINYINT?
:?: Ah, I think than the
user_active column is used to inform if the user has used the forum since some days ago... but what is the
user_level mean, for example?
Don't you agree that comments would let it easier to lammers (like me ;- )?
One more idea: there are some softwares to database modelling, like Erwin and
:?: Wouldn't be interesting to model the JForum's database in a tool like that?
I could comment and/or model it, but let's know what you think about...
[originally posted on jforum.net by leandro_salvador]