homer wrote:I get the following error when I try to open the index.htm file:
Message: /askonline/JForum-2.1.4/install/install.page
The requested resource (/askonline/JForum-2.1.4/install/install.page) is not available
I see that there is no install.htm or index.htm page in the /JForum-2.1.4/install folder.
I downloaded the install zip file from several sources and none of them has the install.htm or index.htm in this folder.
What shall I do?
Try hitting
http://<mydomain>/JForum-2.1.4 with your browser .... does that work for you? (leave off the index.htm or anything else you think
you should put there)
Also, it looks like you've added the "askonline" directory as a parent to the JForums one .. is that correct? Your path for the
standard install should be:
Windows: C:\tomcat\webapps\JForum-2.1.4
Linux: /opt/tomcat/webapps/JForum-2.1.4
[originally posted on jforum.net by GatorBait3]