Just started using struts2, my first reaction is WOW...the 'interception' is a great idea and finally the struts-config doesn't have the size of the bible :-)
Anyway, since this is my first-dummy-application, I'm struggling with the following:
1. Assuming I have a form (myusername, mypassword) and I would like to verify that the user has input the information - is there a way to do that without the XXXX-validation.xml? if so how?
2. [assuming] I have 10 buttons on the screen, in what way can I assign a dispatchAction?
I have something like this:
say I wish button.doA to do actionA() and button.doB to do actionB()...?
I realized that the
String intercept(ActionInvocation actionInvocation) throws Exception
actionInvocation.invoke() runs the execute of the Action.
thanks for any pointers