I am not an expert here, as I know little about how JForum loads its properties files. However, assuming that they are loaded in a normal way (e.g., based on the
Java Locale related Classes), then it sounds to me like this has nothing to do with MySQL.
Is it possible that the Java JDK/JVM also changed when you moved to the new host? Or is it possible that the version of
Tomcat (or your webapp container) changed? Since the english version work when you put Hebrew into it, it sounds like: 1) The hebrew properties file is not found; 2) The classpath prevents the hebrew props file from being found; 3) The JVM or container does not like the hebrew props file; 4) The container is configured in a way so as to not recognize the hebrew two letter code or its location.
I am just guessing here, but I hope there is a clue in there for you...
[originally posted on jforum.net by time]