I want to change jforum so when a user visits the site or after login they are taken to a welcome screen. I also want the user to be taken to a goodbye screen when they log out.
I have changed urlPattern.properties and the redirects in userAction.java so the URL in the browser is correct but this still shows the forum list.
How do I change it so it shows forum_welcome.htm at login and forum_goodbye.htm at logout?
Is it to do with this.context.put() and moduleAction??
Well, if you want to use /forums/welcome.page, then you should create a method "welcome" in the ForumAction class, and class this.setTemplateName() to specify the template name to use.
Tempates are defined in the file templatesMapping.properties and related using the class TemplateKeys.java
Rafael [originally posted on jforum.net by Rafael Steil]
I'm using 2.1.4 but that didn't seem to work earlier - i will have another look and get back to you - thanks. [originally posted on jforum.net by liam]
If you use setRedirect, then does not make sense setting moduleAction.
Now, I don't remember much of the code of 2.1.4, since I changed it a lot already - but make sure that there isn't any method / code, after you call this.context.put("moduleAction".. ) that may be changing the value.
Rafael [originally posted on jforum.net by Rafael Steil]
I think she's lovely. It's this tiny ad that called her crazy:
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