We were getting a bug on some searches here. The problem was:
Going through the source code I found that the SQL statement defined in the file WEB-INF/config/database/generic/generic_queries.sql whose key is SearchModel.selectTopicData was inserting the result of a select from jforum_topics into the table jforum_search_topics.
The problem is that the field topic_title was defined as varchar(60) in jforum_search_topics while it was actually a varchar(100) in jforum_topics. Changing varchar(60) to varchar(100) in jforum_search_topics solves the problem.
Hope it helps. ;-) [originally posted on jforum.net by jau]
Hmm 2 years after I got the same error with jforum 2.1.7!
I did the DB fix manually but I don't understand why that fix wasn't integrated into the upgrade scripts. It's a very common use case! I guess it was a PostgreSQL only issue.. [originally posted on jforum.net by turman]