# #######
# #######
# Security protocol to use, e.g: "ssl"
# Leave it empty (default) to let the provider figure it out
ldap.security.protocol =
# Security authentication to use. Possible values: "none", "simple", "strong",
# "EXTERNAL" (SASL). Leave empty (default) to let the provider figure it out
ldap.authentication =
# Class that provides a LDAP factory
ldap.factory = com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory
# The prefix your LDAP server requires. e.g 'uid='
# The username supplied gets inserted just after the prefix,
# e.g: 'uid=username' so adjust the prefix properly
ldap.login.prefix = cn=
# The suffix your LDAP server requires.
# e.g 'ou=Users,dc=department,dc=company,dc=com'
ldap.login.suffix = o=organization
# The url of your LDAP server.
# Notice that if your LDAP server uses SSL you will need to configure your
# server certificate so that
Java Secure Sockets Extension (JSSE) will accept it.
# Read
ldap.server.url =
# Field that holds the user's email
ldap.field.email = mail
In talking with our system/network administrator and looking at some others code, it came to our attention that there needs to be some paramater to tell you whether or not a subtree exists? Just a thought.
I hope this clarifies.
Many many thanks again,
PS: It seems as if since I put LDAP authentication togheter, I can no longer log in as Admin. Suggestions?
[originally posted on jforum.net by dcrumb]