I use sqlServer 2000 for jforum,
I use the sqlServer sql Script downloaded from cvs server,
I configed the datasource use jtds jdbc driver in tomcat 5.5,
but there is a SQLException after I complete install jforum,
I think that is no wrong in jforum install,
I had checked the sqlServer DataBase and jforum source code,but couldn't find the source of this error,
who can help me ?
the Exception stack info in here:
00:46:18,828 ERROR [ExceptionWriter ] java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column
name user_biography.
at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.JtdsResultSet.findColumn(JtdsResultSet.java
at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.JtdsResultSet.getString(JtdsResultSet.java:
at org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.DelegatingResultSet.getString(DelegatingR
at net.jforum.dao.generic.GenericUserDAO.fillUserFromResultSet(GenericUs
at net.jforum.dao.generic.GenericUserDAO.selectById(GenericUserDAO.java:
at net.jforum.repository.SecurityRepository.load(SecurityRepository.java
at net.jforum.repository.SecurityRepository.load(SecurityRepository.java
at net.jforum.JForum.service(JForum.java:154)