Rafael Steil wrote:All changes made from the Admin Panel are written to jforum-custom.conf. It is merged with SystemGlobals.properties
So this means that:
1) if you deploy your app as a war file, you lose your config changes after each app server restart
2) if you have more than one jforum app sharing the same DB (cluster), you must make the changes to each node.
How about saving the changes mage to SystemGlobals in the file AND in the jforum_config table. When reading a config property the application would get its value from the DB first and fall back on the default value from the config file.
Or is there a way to achieve this with the current version?
the VariableStore interface doesn't define a method to save a property, so I cannot supply my own store.
[originally posted on jforum.net by toto.laricot]