I have the same problem in JForum-2.1.6 and Tomcat 4.1.31.
Setting all "captcha" to "false" in SystemGlobals.properties DOESN'T HELP!!! :twisted:
The error occurs each time when someone clicks the "Register" url.
The exception is as posted above with these lines in the bottom
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at net.jforum.repository.ForumRepository.getTotalMessages(ForumRepository.java:699)
at net.jforum.repository.ForumRepository.getTotalMessages(ForumRepository.java:684)
at net.jforum.view.forum.ForumAction.list(ForumAction.java:93)
My forums are not useable anymore
HELP :!::!::!:
[originally posted on jforum.net by Evgeny]