redhand wrote:At topic User Details DVS Bug:
As you are using MySQL db, you have plenty of tools like phpMyAdmin(if you have a php interperter) or better use SqlYog free Edition
else maybe I could quickly write some basic export/import tool in java like phpbb2jforum converter
TKS Guy!!!
I did it with
SQLyog! Just the Enterprise Trial Edition did the job. I made the following steps to upgrade a 2.1.6 existing database to 2.1.7 database.
1. Tools / Export Database As SQL Statements...
2. Database: jforum (old source) / Export: Structure and data / Selected Table(s): All (>>) / Export to file: C:\2.1.6_to_2.1.7.sql
3. Click Export
So, using
MySQL Query Browser I runned the above .sql created file:
4. File / Open Script ... / Select the file (.sql)
5. Change manually only the 2 following lines:
5.1.1. create database if not exists oldDBname;
5.1.2. create database if not exists newDBname;
5.2.1. USE oldDBname;
5.2.2. USE newDBname;
6. Query / Continue
Finally we have to create the only one real structure's difference to the already copied 2.1.6 database (using yet the software MySQL Query Browser):
7. USE newDBname;
8. ALTER TABLE jforum_users ADD user_authhash VARCHAR(32);
Now just enjoy it!!! :lol:
redhand, I think could be usefull you (or we) create some kind of tool, or SQL script (if it's possible, I don't know...) to automatically upload the database when a JForum's administrator choice to upload the main software, don't you agree? I think it would be usefull...
[ ]'s
[originally posted on by leandro_salvador]