hi guys,
when installed jforum,jforum-custom.conf file will be created in WEB-INF\config path.
In jforum-custom.conf file,there is one line below :
Would these two params ${mysql.unicode}${mysql.encoding} connect together? I think these were not use in fact.
When i added two params "useUnicode\=true&characterEncoding\=UTF-8", and run fine.But when i search some topics about Chinese,can not found.
And then when I remove these two params,and changed this line to:
Restart jforum,it work fine and can search any content,include Chinese.
Now,I found in
http://www.jforum.net/jforum can not search Chinese or other multi-byte content,may be is this reason.
[originally posted on jforum.net by forsoft]