.properties files had some ambiguities, which I tried to resolve following these steps:
1. Changed smiley to emoticon
2. Changed email to e-mail
3. Changed remove to delete
4. Changed remover to apagar (pt_BR)
5. Changed poll to enquete (pt_BR)
6. Changed sticky to adesivo (pt_BR)
7. Treated the
word post like a verb, not a substantive
7.1. Changed post to mensagem (pt_BR)
7.2. Changed posted to enviada (pt_BR)
7.3. Changed post to message
7.4. Mantain posted as posted
8. Deleted all the end points --> it was highly inconsistent... some phrases had, others hadn't! It would be better to add the final point at template files, when it is necessary!
9. Mantained the HTML tags, unhappiness... it's a mission to another time, and isn't relevant, only not elegant to JForum's architecture...
10. Changed
11. Rearranged the lines to alfabetical order --> it will make easy future changes and translations
I think with these changes JForum (en_US and pt_BR) will be a few more padronized... enjoy it!
And send it to CVS if anybody wants!!!
[ ]'s
[originally posted on by leandro_salvador]