Well Guys!!!
I don't want to be seen as a f. spammer tester!!! :roll:
So, let's stop with the funny... 8)
If I could come back in the time, I had used smaller images, but it wasn't planned ok? Sorry...
Maybe the above tests be usefull...
My tremble is that JForum organize the file attachment engine using a data structure like
pile (pt_BR: pilha), deleting the files from the last putted to the previous: FILO - First In Last Out.
But, when we delete one file from the middle or the beginning of the structure, the engine is deleting all the files putted last in the structure!
It's exactly how it should be done in a pile data structure!
If the above premise will be right, so it could be corrected just changing the data structure from pile to ##### (I don't remember the name now, but when I remember, I promess to change the ##### ok? Certainly it wouldn't be FIFO - First In First Out - too.).
In this way, the engine could delete files from any place of the structure, not affecting the others files inserted there!
Another error must be than despite of the structure to have less files, the counter of files is not reduced! It could be the motive because the file
4 never was sent! :idea:
Anyway, I don't want let anybody curious... so, I finish this test topic celebrating you with the image from "Vanessa da Mata", a brazilian singer
Now I will add 4.
I'm 99.9% sure that it will be posted with this message :P
[ ]'s
[originally posted on jforum.net by leandro_salvador]