While installing JForum with MySQL i realized that there was some work to be done on the database to use it with JForum. Here are a few steps i found on the Net (
This step is only necessary if you will choose not to use JForum's built-in embedded database, HSQLDB. Furthermore,
you should be able to perform this step with another database system such as PostgreSQL.
1. Download and install MySQL from the MySQL website or through the appropriate package for your system. Perform any necessary configuration.
2. Connect to your database server. E.g.,
$ mysql -u root -p
(You will be prompted for the database root password before you can proceed.)
3. Create and select a database named jforum:
mysql> create database jforum;
mysql> use jforum
4. Create a user for the jforum database with full privileges. This is what JForum will use.
mysql> grant all privileges on jforum.* to 'jforum-user'@'localhost' identified by 'jf0rum' with grant option;
You can substitute the above username and password with others to your liking.
5. We're done here, so you can quit.
mysql> quit
Please make a note of the following information for setting up JForum; the values used in the steps above are placed in parentheses:
* database name (jforum)
* database user (jforum-user)
* database user password (jf0rum)
[originally posted on jforum.net by brainofp]