Basically, what i want to have is jforum completely integrated into my webapp, I have searched the forums, and a number of posts raise this, however no one explains how,
So hopefully, by the time this is done at my end .. we should have a good set of notes that everyone can follow.
The question i guess that needs to be answered is this one ...
"You can incorporte many JForum features directly into your application, including sign-on and login management. Other examples include displaying most recent posts on your web-site's main pages and accessing users Private Messages."
I tried following some threads about integration but all seem to have made a start and then got stuck .. and then found the solution and then disappeared
What I would like to know where do i begin ..
Basically what would be good would be this.
1. when some does a login action on my site they are automatically logged in to JForums, no JOSSO or SSO ..
2. the URL for JForums becomes becomes
So basically when they login to the site, they can post messages etc ..
when not logged in they can only view ..
I am sure this has been done a million times before .. I just do not have a clue where to begin ..
Also lets assume this is on
Thanx ..
[originally posted on by balman222]