I'm trying to use JForum with
Struts Tiles.
In the tiles-def.xml file I typed
<definition name="aj.portal.index" path="/padrao.jsp">
<put name="conteudo" value="/home.jsp" />
<put name="topo" value="/topo.jsp" />
<put name="menu" value="/menu.jsp" />
<put name="rodape" value="/rodape.jsp" />
<definition extends="aj.portal.index" name="aj.portal.forum">
<put name="conteudo" value="/forums/list.page" />
In the strusts-config.xml file I typed
<action forward="aj.portal.forum" path="/pageForum" />
The JForum is working, if I access it from myapp/forums/list.page, but if call myapp/pageForum.do, a blank page appears in the jforum tile place.
What is wrong?
[originally posted on jforum.net by glauco.todesco]