posted 17 years ago
Following are the steps I followed to integration.
1) Created a MyUserSSO class which implements SSO and compiled it.
2) Created JForum.jar with all JForum compiled classes. Copied JForum.jar and other remaining jar files which are in JForum lib folder, into my application's lib folder.
3) Copied JForum's web.xml file contents into my appliction's web.xml file.
4) Copied ..\JForum\images\avatar, .\smiles folders and .\transp.gif files into my application's images folder.
5) Copied templates and upgrade folders from JForum to my application root folder (into the same folder where my WEB-INF is located)
6) Copied Config folder, dwr-forum.xml and log4j.xml from JForum\WEB-INF to my application's WEB-INF folder.
7) Modified as below.
commented : #sso.implementation = net.jforum.sso.RemoteUserSSO
added : sso.implementation = net.jforum.sso.MyUserSSO
commented : #authentication.type = default
added : authentication.type=sso
(If you dont use MyUserSSO, no need to modify the above contents in
put a link in my application's leftpane to ./forums/ and also a link from JForum (header) to my application's home page.
Now its working fine.
[originally posted on by sridharmnj]