I am a fresher of sso,i have read the
Then i make a login page of
login.asp.I store the username in the cookie:
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("JforumSSO", username);
I make a MyUserSSo.java.
In the
SystemGlobals.properties of jfourm:
commented : #sso.implementation = net.jforum.sso.RemoteUserSSO
added : sso.implementation = net.jforum.sso.MyUserSSO
commented : #authentication.type = default
added : authentication.type=sso
sso.password.attribute = password
sso.email.attribute = email
sso.default.email = sso@user
sso.default.password = sso
sso.redirect =
but when i connect the jfourm after i login the web.The
error is like this:
Expression templateName is undefined on line 5, column 14 in exception.html. The problematic instruction: ---------- ==> ${templateName} [on line 5, column 12 in exception.html] in include "${templateName}/message.htm" [on line 5, column 1 in exception.html] ----------
Java backtrace for programmers: ---------- freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException: Expression templateName is undefined on line 5, column 14 in exception.html. at
What is the problem? How can i solve this?
Thank you your help.
[originally posted on jforum.net by johnson_scut]