posted 17 years ago
I am computer illiterate, but have been looking for someone who might possibly be able to help me. I REALLY want an animated gif avatar to use on a BB Code forum (and while I use these computer words, I have no clue what they mean). Unfortunately I come from the Stone Age, not the Computer Age.
I asked someone where or how one can acquire such a thing, and he tried to explain it to me, but I did not even understand the explanation. :roll:
What I would like is hands on the keyboard of a piano, and I have the footage from which this could be taken. Now the man to whom I spoke said something about taking up to a dozen screenshots and then downloading something or other, and by this time I was even more lost than I was to start with. All I wanted was just a simple animation, without too large a file size.
On the site where I want to put it, these are the only specifications it gives for the avatar:
Displays a small graphic image below your details in posts. Only one image can be displayed at a time, its width can be no greater than 100 pixels, the height no greater than 100 pixels, and the file size no more than 6348 KB.
Do any of you know where one might find someone who could take pity on someone so ignorant, and make them such a thing???
[originally posted on by sponchild]