Originally, I had the same thoughts as your. However, it was not. I created two forums FA and FB. I then created two user groups UA and UB. When I created UA, I let it have access to FA. Similarly, I let UB have access to FB. To
test it, I login as one memer of UA, I can see FA. FB is invisible to members of UA. This is waht I want.
However, when I try to change the access assignment using permission setting, I found premission settings are different from what I exprected.
Every item is set to "Allow All" initially. Then, what prevent members of UA to see FB in the try case I just described above? UB are not explicitly excluded to see FA in the group permission setting. But, if I log in as a member of UB, I can not see FA. So, something must be wrong!
Please help me out of the misleading permission setting.
Thanks in advance!
Michael Wu
[originally posted on jforum.net by michaelwu]