yanam wrote:thank you
that is my main problem - I can't install tomcat on linux
in the instruction said that i have to run "startup.sh" - I doing it, but anything not happing
can you help me with this prob??
So when you say you are running "startup.sh" and nothing is happening, what do you mean? Does the Tomcat service start? You can verify this by hitting
http://yourservername.com:8080 to see if there is a Tomcat page displayed. If you do see it,
you should be able to add the install context path after that for your JForum install (i.e.
http://yourservername.com/8080/JForum-2.x.x.x.) to get the JForum page.
If you are getting "can't start" or other error messages, do you have the correct permissions to start tomcat (i.e. root or in the tomcat group)?
Or, are you having problems even getting Tomcat installed? If this is the problem, you will need to provide more info on which Linux distro you are using, and you will need root access to install Tomcat.
[originally posted on jforum.net by GatorBait3]