my name is J�rgen, living in the nice city of Oslo in Norway.
I am writing this because I'd like to join the JForum development team.
I am a systems developer at
API, the development branch of one of Norway's larges media companies. I have worked professionally with Internet projects since 1995. My knowledge of
Java also goes back to that year when Sun first introduced Java in Netscape Navigator. Since then, I've worked with multiple large and small Java and non-Java projects using a range of technologies.
My motives for wanting to join the team resembles Jakob's.
Where I work, we use JForum in most of our online newspapers. To avoid having 50+ JForum installations, we have patched our own JForum instance a bit to make one installation serve all the newspapers. As JForum has helped solve our forum needs, we'd like to contribute to the JForum community.
If my joining the team makes maintenance of our patched JForum easier, I'll be able to use a fair amount of time on the project during work hours. In addition to that, I can use my spare time for development like this.
I can contribute with
testing, bug fixing, new features, etc.
Feel free to ask if you want to know more about me. My java.net user name is "jorgenw".
[originally posted on jforum.net by jorgenw]