Rafael Steil wrote:For incoming releases, do you suggest that every thing, including the little ones, get registed at Jira?
In theory I think that everything should be registered in Jira, yes. But that doesn't mean that each small change should have it's own issues. You can have an issue like for example "Redesign of template files" or "Markup changes". These issues can be a place where you log small changes like that. The important thing is that they must be connected to a version, so that they will be a part of the changelists.
It's important that issues only are assigned to a specific user if that user is actually going to do something about it. This way it is easier for us to "grab" things to do. Today everything is assigned to "Rafael"
That makes it hard for me to find stuff to do based on Jira.
But the important thing is that all reported bugs are registered in Jira. Today I see that people are allowed to report bugs directly in this forum. I think that this is a bad approach. We need one and only one place where we can find a list of all reported bugs. So if people report a bug in this forum, the first thing we should do is checking if its already in Jira. If not, then we must add it there, and report the link to the topic in the forum.
New features must also be given as issue in Jira. This will make it much easier for us to descide when a version is ready for release and so on.
Jira is a great tool, and we should use it - always! It is the only way to do it since we are spread around the globe. As a developer I need to know what other developers are planning to do, what they are doing, and what they have done.
[originally posted on jforum.net by lazee]