I tried to implement a module for logging certain user operations. I defined a class Log as shown below:
A collection of such log entries are collected in order to list them in a web page. I defined a template file oplog_list.htm in reference to other template file. However, it's very stange that I can not use ${log.LogID} in the template file. At runtime, this error will appear:
Expression log.LogID is undefined on line 21, column 54 in default/admin/oplog_list.htm. The problematic instruction: ---------- ==> ${log.LogID} [on line 21, column 52 in default/admin/oplog_list.htm] ---------- Java backtrace for programmers: ---------- freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException: Expression log.LogID is undefined on line 21, column 54 in default/admin/oplog_list.htm. at freemarker.core.TemplateObject.assertNonNull(TemplateObject.java:124) at
I spent the whole afternoon in debugging this error but in vain. Could any one of you kindly help me out?
Help! Help! Please!
Michael Wu
[originally posted on jforum.net by michaelwu]