Please give write access for the user who is running the webserver to the file 'index.htm' and for the directory 'WEB-INF/config' and its subdirectories before continuing.
JForum needs to write its configurations there. When you're done, click at "Try Again".
when i install the jforum2.1.7,it show this error.
but i gived the webapp for root =user:Everyone
The user can write in the rootWebapp.
This is my config.
Default board language en_US
Database Type: mysql
2) Database Configuration
Database Server Hostname localhost:3306
Database name: scydx_304it1
Database Username: c.code
Database Password: (not shown)
Database Encoding: utf-8
Use Connection Pool: no
3) Board Configuration
Forum Link:
Website Link:
Administrator Username: Admin
Administrator Password: (not shown)
How about it??
[originally posted on by c.code]