Let's go:
History of previous versions
Our public issue database is available at
http://www.jforum.net/jira, and it contains almost all bugs found by our users, as well many feature and improvement requests. Note that Jira usage has grown very recently, as more people has been getting involved with JForum. I say
almost because some critical issues were not registered there in the past for security reasons.
recently most core code development was done by me most of the time, and many bugs were reported in the
Bug Discussions forum (which now is destined only to discussions, not bug reporting) and not registered in the bug tracker. This was obviously a flaw in the process, such that it's being aprimored now.
You'll find all registered issues since JForum 2.1.4 (older versions are archived and the listing is not public anymore) in the
Changelog section.
Information on security fixes and feature updates
Please check the
A roadmap for development: previous, current and proposed
Ok, this is something that must be better introduced in JForum. Jakob (lazee here in the forum) is helping a lot with that, so you - and everybody else - should noticie many incoming improvements.
Vendors who can support the software
We should discuss this point.
Completing the user documentation
All help here is very welcome. We have introduced a Wiki for JForum's
documentation, so any member of the so called
JForum Team can improve it. We need expertise in how to organize / structure it in a relevant fashion.
[originally posted on jforum.net by Rafael Steil]