posted 17 years ago
OK, so basically, the jforum_roles table defines:
role_id: Foreign key to role_values table
group_id: the group the role pertains to.
role_name: the role
the jforum_role_values defines:
role_id: Foreign key to roles table.
role_value: Usually the ID of a forum (but of a category for rows pertaining to the perm_category role), indicates which forum the specified group (from the roles table) has the role of role_name (from the roles table) on.
If no row exists in the role_values table for a role_id in the roles table, then the group specified in the roles table (role_name) has the specified role for all forums.
The only one I'm not quite clear on is the perm_categories role. I set a group to Allow_All for the Restricted Categories permission, and JForum still entered role_value entries for the group in the role_values table. Is that correct behavior?
Anything else I need to watch out for when programatically updating the roles tables?
[originally posted on by netbracketsJeff]