is there any simple workaround for this? ive tried alot of html stuff, but it dosnt effect Internet Explorer, even thou i can see the changes in Firefox/Flock etc. [originally posted on by Trout]
Hmm, have you tried putting the width: 95% style in the div surrounding the <pre ...> tag? I'm pretty sure that IE honors that in DIV tags. (but not max-width). [originally posted on by monroe]
but that only changed the blockquote style, not the pre tag.
div surrounding the <pre ...> tag?
was this what you ment? i didnt find any <pre ...> in the htm files.
since theres a scroll-bar in the firefox view, i would think it had something to do with that not working in IE [originally posted on by Trout]
As I've said before... CSS is more of an art form than a science...
A couple of tricks I've used are:
futz with the overflow: settings. This is one area that IE and FF have different defaults.
Try defining a full width div and adding in padding to push the internal elements into position.
Google is your friend.. there are a lot of CSS related sites/blogs with good tips.
There are a lot of forums, etc. that are dedicated to css that might be able to give you a quick / better answer to this. [originally posted on by monroe]