How reliable is the phpbb2jforum importer application?
I've just been trudging through error after error - making changes to my phpbb tables and data to 'force' it to work but each time I fix one problem I find another one. I notice that the date on some of the class files in phpbb2jforum are from 2004 and I've updated my phpbb forum a few times since then (currently on 2.0.19 which is by no means the latest version).
I've got another problem now to do with topic_vote field but I just don't want to waste much more time on this because I have no idea of how many more errors I will have to fix or if indeed I will ever get a working forum database in the end.
Has anyone used phpbb2jforum successfully in recent times and if so which phpbb version did you import from?
I really wanted to avoid getting the phpbb2jforum source and start friggen with that cos I've already got my own
Java projects I have to work on.
[originally posted on by golfman]