There currently is no autoposting api. But you can still do this a couple of ways.
First, look at the PostAction.insertSave() method. This is the code that creates a new post.
There are various ways to use this. You could create a program that does a standard HTTP post to the standard JForum action. E.g. Use the commons-http-client. Or just create a
JSP "form" like the new topic form that gets its data from a bean you've set and then does an auto-submit. (but that requires a browser).
Alternatively, you could create a separate autopost
servlet that uses the insertSave() as a template but does not get the input data from the request but from your code.
If you go this route, you probably want to look at the jForum.service() method to see how the security environment is set up. Then use this to "autologon" the person you want the post to come from.
Hmm, I was just thinking that the latter solution would be nice and generic if the input to the servlet could be XML like:
Contribution welcome!
[originally posted on by monroe]