posted 17 years ago
I would like to use the simplest SSO available (since I don't really know what I'm doing). I'm thinking that cookie based SSO would be the answer. But, it looks like it only gets the authenticated username, and then considers the user logged in.
If that's the case, then how can JForum email a user when there are replies to his posts, etc. ??
Has anyone used the cookie-based SSO, but also carried email address from the "other" app to JForum? We won't have an issue with email address changing, because on the "other" app, the email address IS the user account.
We will actually have to collect screen name info to pass to JForum, because we don't have any such thing.
The plan is as follows:
- a user registers for our site (email address and password)
- a user logs into our site (using email address and password)
- the user attempts to access the forum. The first time this happens, he will be asked for a screen name and to agree to the terms of usage. We'll store the screen name in the database with his other user info, and put it in a cookie each time he logs in
- once logged in, and with screen name and approved terms of usage, the user will be let into the forum, with all other functionality intact, including being notified of replies to posts, etc.
Has anyone done this?
1) I'd like to find out that it's relatively easily possible, before attempting it, and
2) If someone else has done it, and would like to share some pointers with a newbie, it would be much, much, MUCH appreciated.
I'm an Oracle Geek, so I'd gladly trade Oracle/SQL knowledge for some Java/SSO experience and knowledge.
[originally posted on by jenamon]