I have currently managed to pass the userinfo in the cookie and create and login a user if the user is not already created or login the user if the user is already created.
The example given at
http://www.jforum.net/doc/ImplementSSO, takes three parameters from the existing application: userid, password and the email. But, when I tried to compile the code, I get the following error message:
"SSOCookie.java:40: cannot find symbol
symbol : method getRequest()
location: class net.jforum.JForum
HttpSession session = JForum.getRequest().getSession();
1 error"
I understand that when this error is resolved, I will be able to pass the password and the email address of the user from cookie and have it create them on jForum. But, how do I associate a user to a group?
authenticateUser method returns just the userID and stores the password and email in the session from which, the jForum application creates the user.
So, now where do I call the UserAction.groupSave() method from? ( i have not myself looked at the source yet). Even if I look at it, a little is what I am going to understand.
So, if you have done something similar to my requirement please let me know.
[originally posted on jforum.net by ranga]