Has anybody try to install Jforums in JBoss? I am using eclipse, I have created a webapplication copied all the jforum files in my WebRoot folder and deployed it to jboss, but I get a lot of error messages, too many to pist here.
If anybody has successfully deployed jforums to jboss, I would really appreciate a hand.
Thank you [originally posted on jforum.net by sbarreros]
I did ... and here are two options for you to choose from:
You can export a .war file from Eclipse and drop that into the /WHERE_YOUR_JBOSS_IS_INSTALLED/server/default/ and JBoss will expand the .war automatically.
You can unpack the WAR into its directory structure and copy that directory structure into the "/WHERE_YOUR_JBOSS_IS_INSTALLED/server/deploy" directory. The directory has to be named just like the file, ending with a ".war" extension, otherwise JBoss will ignore it.
WARNING: If you use this option AND if you are copying the directory structure into the /WHERE_YOUR_JBOSS_IS_INSTALLED/server/deploy directory, JBoss will sometimes start deploying the application so quickly that not all of the files have been copied in yet, causing strange errors in the app/container.
So you can wait a few seconds and then touch the web.xml file to force a "clean" deploy.
In either of the above deployment methods, the context-root of the webapp will be whatever you named the file/directory before the ".war" extension. For example, if JForum is deployed as ".../deploy/jforum.war", the context-root to access JForum on the server is
"www.yoursite.com:8080/jforum" (assuming you're using the default port 8080) or "www.yoursite.com/jforum" if you have set up an Apache workers properties file. [originally posted on jforum.net by GatorBait3]
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