I am planning to create a web forum. I love
java so my choice should be mvnforum or jforum.
Is jforum support clustering? both database clustering and web service lvs (
A) For lvs web service:
1. JForum is using cookie(client side seesion), which is suitable for session management under lvs.
2. How about the file attachement? In case I have more than one jForum clusters, Can I config jfourm to share a same filesource? Can I config jForum to load image / attachement from a different sub-domain name like this:
Forum link:
B) For database replication: (in my case:
1. Can I config jforum connect to two datasources, one for read and one for write? I am planning to add a very fast slave database for read only(from the web server point of view). It should be on ram drive or SSD harddisk or even gigabyte iram. All new data records will be written to master database only.
2. Can I disable data cache on purpose?
I can modify current jForum myself for my need but I want the above features be included in your source tree. Please kindly consider my suggestion.
[originally posted on jforum.net by kentsang]