Not quite sure what you are trying to do here. This looks like a development layout and not a webapp layout.
That said, JForum can be integrated with other apps but it's directory structure and WEB-INF files need to stay located off the main webapp directory. E.g, with TC this is either a directory under the webapps directory or as specified in the deployment xml.
FWIW, I think you'll probably want to have a layout without the src under the WebContent directory. I'd suggest something like:
src/java/jforum/<jforum src tree> => Compiles to WebContent/Web-inf/classes
src/java/myapp/<my app src tree> => Compiles to WebContent/Web-inf/classes
<jforum directories>
<my app directories>
web.xml (merger of myapp and jforum)
<jforum directories>
<jforum jars>
<myapp jars>
Then use the Tomcat deployment XML to point the webapp
doc root to the WebContent directory. With TC 5.5. this mean creating an xml file with the webapp name (e.g. forums or myapp) in your conf/Catalina/localhost (or host name) that looks like:
This will tell TC that the URI /myapp will find it's content in the WebContent directory. The reloadable attribute will make TC reload the application anytime the class files change.
Note: If 5.0 may use a different syntax for doing this... they changed thing either in 5.0 or 5.5... check the docs if you are not using 5.5.
[originally posted on by monroe]