posted 17 years ago
thanks - I just updated my checkedout project.... let's see if it now is able to deploy proberly. So far i worked on the r3 official release source ...
I may have found a syntax to get sql server 2000 run with limit features ...
UserModel.selectAllByLimit = SELECT * \
user_email, user_id, user_posts, user_regdate, username, deleted, user_karma, user_from, user_website, user_viewemail \
FROM jforum_users as tmp1 order by username ASC) as tmp2 \
order by username DESC) as tmp3 \
order by username ASC
though I wonder why it's sorted by username, as in the admin panel it's sorted by user_id ... but that's just aminor change.
The [1] and[2] will be replaced in the DAO class by "count" and "(count + startFrom)"
At least it did not throw any exceptions so far ^^
Similiar syntax goes for the other ByLimit SQL statements...
[originally posted on by Sid]