I download JForum for the company I work for, quite happy with it.
The company need NTLM pass through implementing SSO, then doing AD lookups using LDAP to auto populate profiles.
I noticed that's there's no documentation on this as a whole.
After going through most of JFourms code, I actually didn't really have too much to do to get this to work (quite fun and JFourm has good structure). Simple modifications and works like a gem !
In fact, I think there was ony 3 classes I changed.
If anyone is interested in the implementation, post a reply and I show you how I did it.
I do have a problem with one thing... Just say I am logged on to two computers. If im logged into the forum in one PC, then log into the forum from the other PC, then refresh the page of the first one. I get a nasty stacktrace... ha ha.. dam multi threaded sesssion management...
anyway... All up. I'm very happy with it and how you guys coded it. ;)
Well done.
[originally posted on jforum.net by chet]