posted 17 years ago
Hi there,
I'm currently implementing JForum into my own web app.
I'm using SSO since my whole app is a community.
What I did is, implement the 3 latest Topict to my startpage using the following code:
I use the net.jforum.dao.generic.GenericTopicDAO Object to get the topic list.
JForum is implemented as an iframe somewhere in forum.html.
Everything works fine if the user starts on the forum.html page after login.
When the user starts with the regular index page, where I would like to have the latest 3 topics listet, I get a NullPointerException
I guess that happens because JForum has not yet been initialized. How can I initialize it manually so I get access to the topics? Keep in mind that I'm using SSO which means the login mechanism should be called too.
Thanks for your help,
[originally posted on by TheSmile]