Hi guys. Work is going along nicely with integrating JForum here. Now I'd like to be able to show the most recent posts elsewhere on our
JSP based site, and also replies to posts submitted by the SSO'ed user. My main problem is I do not know how to access the JForum variables. For example, say I wanted to list all the forums:
<#list allCategories as category>
<#list category.getForums() as forum>
<#assign lpi = fir.getLastPostInfo(forum.id)/>
Is there a way to access these variables? Should I perhaps create a .htm or .jsp file inside the templates/default JForum folder which creates the output I want from JForum variables, then include this in the JSP page I need it displayed in?
Thanks for any help.
[originally posted on jforum.net by akindo]